Creatively Courageous Brand Coaching: Tell Your Story

I’m offering a new service, specifically designed for creative women solopreneurs who are tired of the 9-5 and want to forge ahead with their own business, but are struggling with how to brand themselves.

It’s called Creatively Courageous, and its mission is to empower creative women solopreneurs to take charge of their creative and financial future.

Here’s some background on who I’m looking to help and how I got started with Creatively Courageous.


You’re young, creative, talented–and you’ve been told people like you are in demand. But, after experiencing corporate disillusionment, you know there’s a better opportunity out there–one where you can BE yourself, and one that you yearn to create FOR yourself.

You’ve dreamt of using your creative talents to be appreciated and earn what you’re worth, but are unsure of how to get started on your own or differentiate yourself.

It can be scary at first. Completely frightening, as if you’re paralyzed: How do I quickly generate income? How do I recover from being under-appreciated in my old job(s), and gain back my self-worth?

It’s Time to Be Creatively Courageous.

You just need to take the first step. Luckily for you, there’s no soul-eating involved with solopreneurship–YOU are in control.

I’m a marketing creative who had enough of the 9-5, found my voice and recently went rogue. But I never had the help of a coach. I don’t want you to waste time like I did–I want to empower you to find your voice and tell your unique brand story.

Stories sell. People aren’t just buying a service–they’re connecting with a story.

You are the storyteller–what will make your tale unique?

Through creative visualization and writing exercises, I’ll help you uncover the inner strength you need to define your authentic self and translate that into your brand story. This ultimately creates trust with your prospects, and keeps your current customers coming back.

Objectives Include:

  1. Diving Deep: How to tap into your deep creativity for inspiration using creative visualization and writing exercises. Discover (or remember) the archetypes that most speak to you and your mission.


  • Guided meditation with journal exercises
  • Creative writing prompts designed to help you express what motivates you

2. Taking the Leap: What to consider as you navigate the waters of solopreneurship- how to price your services, make your website easy to navigate, etc.

3. Telling Your Story:

  • Create your mission statement, value proposition, and elevator pitch
  • Develop your brand voice on social media to sound unique and compelling

Going it alone isn’t easy. Neither is navigating the sea of coaches out there. If you’re not sure if coaching is for you, yet, let’s schedule a complimentary 30-minute consult so you can decide if it’s a good fit for you! Just fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch!